Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

There are no shipping charges, since we are providing an online service. You get full reports and extensive support.

We accept, Credit cards, paypal, alipay, BTC and USDT

For the Local Advertising plan it takes 7 days, for the NAP Citations and GMB Pointers, as well 7 days, and for the Local Bundle and GMB management takes 30 days to complete it and send full report.

We are bound by EU regulations, it would be illegal for us to sell your information to 3rd parties. Our sole interest is to keep you as a long term client. If you make money then we are making too. Its actually very simple for us.

After order is placed, we will contact you shortly for all the required information. We are not using any forms during the ordering process, for that reason, we will need all the information to be passed to us via our email: [email protected].

You can download an invoice anytime from your account that you have with us, simply go to orders, and there you will have option: “Invoices”.

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